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Healthmed Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

An International, Open Access, Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN: 3078-6975 (Online)

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About Healthmed J Pharm Sci

Healthmed Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Healthmed J Pharm Sci) (ISSN 3078-6975 - online) is quarterly, open access peer-reviewed  international journal published by Health Med Science (HMS) Media International which is founded by an internationally renowned scientist. This journal publishes original research as full article or short communication, review article (comprehensive review, mini review, systematic review, and systematic review with meta-analysis), case study,  prospective, and letter to the editor on any important aspects of pharmaceutical sciences. The journal also publishes special issue articles focusing on a special and important aspect of pharmaceutical sciences. The accepted articles will be   published online within 24 hours of acceptance and will be   ready for circulation. The regular issues will be published on the last week of every three months.  


Editorial Policy

Manuscripts submitted to Healthmed Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences are preliminarily assessed by our editorial office for plagiarism and basic criteria for submissions as per the authors’ instruction of the journals. Then the editor evaluates the manuscript. Based on the merit and novelty of the manuscript, the editorial team will select potential peer reviewers within the field of research to send the manuscript for peer review and recommendation. 
Editor/Editor-in-Chief is liable for overall editorial responsibility of the journal. Section Editors keep an eye on the manuscripts submitted to their section while Associate Editors are assigned to handle the manuscripts. 

Peer review policy

All manuscripts are subject to rigorous peer review and editorial assessment before publication. Independent experts of the relevant research areas blindly evaluate scientific validity of the manuscripts for originality, quality of research, reliability of data, level of inventions and innovations, research question, appropriate methodology, data analysis, and significance of the findings to help the editors for taking decisions on the manuscript whether the manuscript will be published in the journal or be rejected. Only high quality manuscripts which have not previously published elsewhere or not under consideration for publication in any journal will be rapidly published after rigorous evaluations of peer review and editorial assessment. 
Healthmed Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences follow the rules of double-blind peer-review system in which the names of the authors have been excluded from the manuscripts before sending to the reviewers so that the reviewers cannot see the names and affiliations of the authors to avoid any conflict of interest. Similarly, the authors also cannot see the name and affiliation of the reviewers in the peer review reports for the authors. The peer reviewers and Editors are fully accountable for the decisions made.

Open access Policy

Immediately after acceptance, all articles are published by Healthmed Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and are freely accessible online by the readers without subscription charges according to the open access policy of this journal. The articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Common license which allows unrestricted use and distribution. 

Rapid publication policy

Healthmed Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences believes in fast publication policy whilst maintaining rigorous peer review. Article submission and peer review is managed by electronically. If the authors face any difficulties in the submission of their manuscripts, they may send the completed article with all the relevant data and cover letter to the Editorial office by email.  The editorial office of is highly active and supportive for the processing of articles. All the submitted articles are checked by expert editorial team for originality (plagiarism) journal compliance, and quality of contents and writing. Submitted manuscript undergoes screening by 2 working days, article is sent to the reviewers by 1 week after submission, peer review report collection by 2 weeks after sending to the reviewers, and accepted manuscript is available online within 24 hours after acceptance. Usually a good quality manuscript is published within a month after its submission.  

Credit for the contributions of the Editors and Reviewers

We do believe that the editors and reviewers contributions to complete the evaluation of a manuscript is most important. Bearing this in our mind and in order to offer credit/rewards to the contributions of the reviewers and editors, the names of the handling editor and peer reviewers are included in the published article. Besides, we acknowledge the reviewers by senidng emaill so that the reviewers may claim article evaluation credit forwarding the email to the Web of Science or Publons. 


Healthmed Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences accepts and publishes manuscripts in English language only.  


Healthmed Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences follows the rules of open-access Creative Commons licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. Upon submission, the authors agreed to follow an open-access Creative Commons license. As per the rule of open-access Creative Commons license, the authors retain the copyright of the article published in Healthmed Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and they are free to reproduce and disseminate their work as per the policy of the journal.