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Healthmed Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences

An International, Open Access, Peer Reviewed Journal
ISSN: 3078-6975 (Online)

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Guide For Authors


Heathmed Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (Healthmed J Pharm Sci) is a quarterly published peer reviewed international journal having its ISSN: 3078-6975 (online). The journal is publishing its regular issues starting from 2023. The Editorial Board of this journal has been formed with the high profiled and influential academicians and researchers of pharmaceutical sciences and related fields from different countries of the world.  



Heathmed Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences (ISSN 3078-6975, online) publishes original research as a full article or short communication, review article (comprehensive review, mini-review, systematic review, and systematic review with meta-analysis), case study, prospective, and letter to the editor on any aspects of pharmaceutical sciences as mentioned below:

  • Pharmaceutical formulations and drug delivery
  • Pharmaceutics and Pharmaceutical Technology
  • Biopharmaceutics
  • Pharmaceutical quality control & quality assurance
  • Pharmaceutical marketing and regulatory affairs
  • Drug discovery and development
  • Natural products
  • Phytochemistry
  • Functional foods and nutraceuticals
  • Herbal medicines
  • Pharmacology and toxicology
  • Clinical pharmacy
  • Hospital pharmacy
  • Community pharmacy
  • Pharmacovigilance and drug safety
  • Rational use of drugs
  • Antibiotic Resistance
  • Pharmaceutical Chemistry
  • Medicinal Chemistry and Synthesis of drugs
  • Pharmaceutical Analysis
  • Pharmacy Practice
  • Computational Chemistry and Molecular Drug Design
  • Molecular and Cell Biology
  • Pharmacogenomics and personalized medicines
  • Genetic Engineering and Proteomics
  • Computational Chemistry and Molecular Docking and Dynamics
  • Bioinformatics
  • Biotechnology
  • Pharmacoeconomics
  • Any other aspects of pharmaceutical sciences and related fields                                                                                                                  


General Guidelines: The authors are advised to read the guidelines before submitting their manuscripts:

  • The submitted manuscript or its data must not have been previously published nor should be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • We encourage submitting the manuscript by a corresponding author.
  • The manuscript will not have any page limit. The numbers of figures and tables are not limited to any number. The authors can include any number of tables and figures which are appropriate and essential for the manuscript.

Plagiarism/Similarity Index:

Manuscript should be checked for plagiarism by Turnitin or iThenticate or other reliable software before submission. Plagiarism (similarity index) of the main manuscript should not exceed 20%. It is better to submit the manuscript after plagiarism checked by authors’ side to avoid rejection of the manuscript. The editorial office of the journal will also check the plagiarism in the editorial screening of the manuscript by the professional plagiarism checkers such as Turnitin or iThenticate.  Manuscripts having similarity index more than 20% will not be processed for review and publication. To reduce the similarity, please give proper citations and use the words/sentences carefully. Table(s) and/or figures that have been reproduced from another source, should get permission from the copyright holders, and must be mentioned in the cover letter.

Manuscript formatting: 

  • The manuscript should be prepared using Times New Roman, texts should be arranged as “justified” with single line space and font size of 12. The font size of the title should be 20 and bold.
  • The page margin of the manuscript should be 2 cm in all sides - top, bottom, left and right side.
  • The manuscript should have two parts: 1) Title page and 2) Manuscript pages. Title page and Manuscript pages should be in two separate MS-Word files.   
  • Title page should be separated from the manuscript page for blind peer review. Title page should be only one page without page number.  
  • Manuscript pages should have page numbers and line numbers starting from the 1st page of the main manuscript.
  • The authors are suggested to use the TEMPLATE of Title page and Manuscript pages parts to prepare their manuscript. Manuscript Template is available here.  

Structure of the manuscript: The manuscript should contain the following information arranged sequentially:

  • Title page
  • Abstract
  • keywords
  • Introduction
  • Methodology
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • List of abbreviations
  • Authors’ contribution
  • Acknowledgements
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Funding Information
  • Data Availability Statement
  • References

The title page:

  • The title page of the manuscript should contain title of the manuscript, full names and the addresses of the institutions at which the work was carried out, email of all the authors, contact details of the corresponding authors, to whom correspondence about the manuscript should be sent, including email and telephone number.
  • The title of the manuscript should be concise, specific and relevant. It should be the statement of the main findings and conclusion of the study. 
  • A running title should be included at the end of the title page of the manuscript.

Abstract of the manuscript:

  • Abstract of research article should clearly contain background, aim and objective, methodology, results and conclusion of the study. Abstract should not exceed 300 words.
  • Graphical Abstract: A graphical abstract (optional) for research and review article can be submitted in separate file.


An article should contain 4-8 keywords immediately after Abstract. The keywords are used for indexing, abstracting, and retrieval purposes, therefore, select the keywords that can highlight the findings and contents of your paper.


Introduction part should sufficiently contain the review of literature to collect information about its past studies and background of the study, find out the gap that could not cover the past studies and mention why the present study has aimed (justification) and also mention the objective(s) of the study and clearly formulate the goals.


  • The authors should clearly provide information about different experimental methods and techniques used to conduct the study for data collection. Chemicals & reagents name including their manufacturers name, instruments used, any other materials, samples, etc. used in the experiment should be specifically mentioned in this section. 
  • In case of research data obtained from studies involving animals, cells, human, and any specimens from human and animals, the ethical statement and ethical number should be provided in the methodology section.
  • If plant materials used in the experiments, the collection of plants, its extraction and identification information should be provided with the name of the person who authenticated the plants.


The result section also to be divided into subsections using subtitles. The authors should clearly present the findings of their study in Tables, Figures/Diagrams, and/or pictures. The finding from each experiment/sub-title should explain shortly. Figures should be clear with high resolution, jpeg/tiff/ppt format. Figure numbers should be inserted in each figure. It is recommended to use past indefinite verb tense in describing the results.

Tables and Figures:

Tables and Figures (Tiff or jpeg) with legends should be included in the manuscript at the most appropriate places in the texts of the manuscript. However, separate files of figures with high resolutions should be uploaded. Legend should contain appropriate and sufficient information to explain the figure/table.


The authors may provide a concise description of major findings of experimental data in this section. It is recommended to use present indefinite verb tense in describing the results. The findings of the study should be established by giving examples of similar studies conducted by other researchers. The results should discuss critically about what is similar and what is not similar with the other studies. Why the outcomes are important and how it is important- such kind of information may be included in discussion. No figure and table is allowed in this section, only texts are allowed.

Conclusion and future direction:

This section will contain the final outcomes of the study that answers the question specified in the introductory part of the article. This part will also contain information about the future activities for the progress or completion of the study up to reach the ultimate goal.  

List of abbreviations:

The authors should mention the list of abbreviations used in the texts of the manuscript.  Internationally acceptable abbreviations of chemical, biological, medical or other terms should be used according to the most recent recommendations of the respective international nomenclature. All specifications must be stated according to the S.I. system. Concentrations of chemical solutions are to be given in mol/L; other concentrations should be given in %.  At the first appearance of the abbreviation, the full name must be stated and the abbreviation should be mentioned in bracket. Examples of abbreviations: hours (h), minutes (min.), grams (g), second (s), etc.

Authors’ contribution:

The contributions of each author should be clearly mentioned. The contribution may be included in at least one or more than one contributory activity such as planned and designed research, performed experiments, collected data, analyzed data, wrote manuscript draft, reviewed the manuscript critically. All authors read and approved the final submitted version of the manuscript.


The authors should acknowledge the funding source (if receive any grant or funding support.), samples or chemicals or reagents received from any organization/company/person, used laboratory facilities of any institution or organization. Besides, any sort of support important for the study should be dully acknowledged.

Conflicts of interests:

The authors should clearly mention any sort of conflict of interests. If the authors don’t have any conflict of interest, then the author should mention the following texts directly: “The authors declared that they don’t have any conflict of interest regarding the publication of this manuscript”.

Funding information:

The authors should clearly mention the financial support or funding from any national or international government or non-government organizations or institutions or company with the name of the funder and grant number.

Review articles:

The abstract of the review manuscript should contain background, objectives, and main focusing points of the review. The review should be focused on a specific aspect of interest. The review should contain sufficient number of illustrated figures and sketches are preferable. Unlike research article, there is not hard and fast structured format for review article but the review article should include the following parts:

  • Title page
  • Abstract
  • keywords
  • Main body of the review with sufficient number of tables, figures, photographs, and texts
  • Conclusion and future direction
  • List of abbreviations
  • Authors’ contribution
  • Acknowledgements
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Funding Information
  • Data Availability Statement
  • References

Short Communications:

Short communications or short reports of original research are focused on an outstanding finding that would be of interest or significance to the scientists in other fields. A short communication allows authors to publish the results of a small number of experiments, it may also contain new and challenging ideas and should add value to the scientific literature. The conclusion should be clear and justified, and the findings novel and judged to be of high importance. The short communication article should be around 2000 words of main text and may have up to 4 figures and/or tables. Additional items and details may be published online as supplemental information. Short Communication articles are self-proposed by any reader and are peer reviewed.


Editorial is  submitted exclusively by invited Guest Editors to the journal. Editorial should focus on a specific contemporary problem or special issue that needs to address for special attention. Editorials should not include unpublished or original data. Editorial is limited to 1000 words. Citation and references should be used wherever applicable.

Case Reports:

Healthmed Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences encourage the submission of case reports or case studies. Figures, photographs, tables, etc. can be added to case report. Case report should be around 2000 words but not strictly limited. It may contain the followings:

  • Title page
  • Abstract
  • keywords
  • Background
  • Case history
  • Clinical examination
  • Diagnosis
  • Treatment/surgery/management
  • Discussion
  • Conclusion
  • Authors’ contribution
  • Acknowledgements
  • Conflict of Interest
  • Funding Information
  • Data Availability Statement
  • References


Citation and References writing style:

Citations: All citations in the text must appear in the References list and all the references should be cited in the manuscript texts.

The references should appear in the text’s citation as -

1. For single author: Sarker, 2020

2. For two authors: Sarker and Farzana, 2020

3. For more than two authors: Sarker et al, 2020


The number of references should not be more than 60 for research/original article and not more than 200 for review articles. The authors are encouraged to use the references of most recent articles up to the last 10 years. Older references can also be used in case of very essential, such as experimental methods or other basic information that was published more than 10 years back.

Reference writing style: The reference should be written as per the Vancover Style (NLM/PubMed Style) and the citation style should be in text style followed by year. The reference should be written as - First author's last name and first and middle name's abbreviation, 2nd author's last name and first and middle name’s abbreviation, ...... Authors’ name can be listed in this way up to six authors. If the number of authors is more than 6 then use et. al., after listing 6 authors’ name. After authors names, next should mention the Title of the article. Then mention the Abbreviated name of the journal. Then publication year; Volume (Issue): page numbers (12-24)/Article number (12765). Then include DOI number of the manuscript.

Reference to unpublished data and personal communications should be cited in the text only, should not appear in the reference list (example: Sarker MMR, 2024, unpubl. data). All citations mentioned in the texts, tables or figures should be available in the reference list. The authors may use EndNote or Mendeley software for reference writing. Names of journals should be abbreviated in the style used in PubMed. Addition of DOI number is preferred.

Examples of journal reference writings:

Journal article with page number: Khan F, Sarker MMR, Ming LC, Mohamed IN, Zhao C, Sheikh BY. Comprehensive Review on Phytochemicals, Pharmacological and Clinical Potentials of Gymnema sylvestre. Front Pharmacol. 2019; 10:1223-1236. DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2019.01223.

Journal article with without page number: Khan F, Sarker MMR, Ming LC, Mohamed IN, Zhao C, Sheikh BY. Comprehensive Review on Phytochemicals, Pharmacological and Clinical Potentials of Gymnema sylvestre. Front Pharmacol. 2019; 10:1223. DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2019.01223.

Journal article e-pub ahead of print: Khan F, Sarker MMR, Ming LC, Mohamed IN, Zhao C, Sheikh BY. Comprehensive Review on Phytochemicals, Pharmacological and Clinical Potentials of Gymnema sylvestre. Front Pharmacol. 2019; e-pub ahead of print 15 September 2019. DOI: 10.3389/fphar.2019.01223.

Journal article in press: Khan F, Sarker MMR, Ming LC, Mohamed IN, Zhao C, Sheikh BY. Comprehensive Review on Phytochemicals, Pharmacological and Clinical Potentials of Gymnema sylvestre. Front Pharmacol. (In press).


1. Book chapters from an edited book: Cited by the chapter author, chapter title, followed by the word "In:" and information about the entire book, and then the page range of the chapter.

Example: Sarker MMR, Soma MA. Updates on clinical study reports of phytotherapy in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus. In: Eddouks M. editor. Phytotherapy in the management of diabetes and hypertension. 1st ed. Singapore: Bentham Science Publishers Pte Ltd.; 2020. p. 1-60.

2. Book chapters from an authored book: Cited by the book followed by the chapter information, such as chapter no, chapter title, and page range.

Example: Sarker MMR, Soma MA. Phytotherapy in the management of diabetes and hypertension. 1st ed. Singapore: Bentham Science Publishers Pte Ltd.; 2020. Chapter 1, Updates on clinical study reports of phytotherapy in the management of type 2 diabetes mellitus; p. 1-60. 


1. Reference of Webpage with author: Author/organization's name. Title of the page [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher's name; Publication date or year [updated date - year month day; cited date - year month day]. Available from: URL

  • If the place, publisher or date is unknown use [place unknown], [publisher unknown].
  • If neither the date of publication nor a date of copyright can be found - use the date of update/revision or date cited.

Example-1: Diabetes Australia. Gestational diabetes [Internet]. Canberra (AU): Diabetes Australia; 2015 [updated 2015; cited 2017 Nov 23]. Available from:

Example-2: National Center for Infectious Diseases [Internet]. Atlanta (GA): Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (US); [reviewed 2007 Feb 15; cited 2007 Feb 20]. Available from:

2. Reference of Webpage with no author: Title [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher's name (unless unknown); Publication date or year [updated date (if available); cited date]. Available from: URL

Example: The family impact of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) [Internet]. [place unknown: publisher unknown]; 2009 Nov 1 [updated 2010 Jan 1; cited 2010 Apr 8]. Available from: yle.asp?sid=192&title=The‐Family‐Impact‐of‐Attention‐Deficit‐Hyperactivity‐Disorder%28ADHD%29page=2

3. Webpage - no author/part of a web site: Title of homepage [Internet]. Place of publication: Publisher's name; Publication date or year of homepage. Title of specific page/part; Date of publication of part [Cited date of part]. Available from: URL of part

  • If the place, publisher or date is unknown use [place unknown], [publisher unknown] or [date unknown]
  • If neither the date of publication nor a date of copyright can be found - use the date of update/revision or date cited.

Example: Australian Medical Association [Internet]. Barton (AU): AMA; c2016. Junior doctors and medical students call for urgent solution to medical training crisis; 2012 Oct 22 [cited 2012 Nov 5]; Available from:​-and-medical-students-call-urgent-solution-medical-training-crisis.

Please have a look at the most recent articles for reference and citation style.

Submission of manuscript:

  • The authors should submit both the MS-Word and PDF files of the manuscript.
  • The manuscript should be submitted online by log in to the journal online submission system. The submission, follow up, peer review and editorial tasks all the performed in dashboard of the journal. If you are new, please sign in first to create an account. Then log in again for submission of the manuscript. If the authors face any problem in submission of the manuscript or attachment of documents, please feel free to contact us. Email: or healthmedsci@gmail.comThe authors can also send their manuscript to us by above email. For directly enquiry, please feel free.

Cover letter:

A cover letter highlighting the strength and key points of the manuscript should be included in the submission. The cover letter should address to the Editor-in-Chief of the journal. It should contain title of the manuscript, and should highlight the innovations/inventions/ why the manuscript is important for publication. In the cover letter, the corresponding author should declare that state that the manuscript partly or fully or the data of the manuscript has not published or submitted to any journal for possible publication. Financial supports or relationships should be declared, and any kind of conflict of interests should be should be mentioned in the cover letter. In the submission of revised manuscript, the authors should address all the points raised by the reviewers or editor sequentially, and the authors’ response should be included in the cover letter.  

Peer review policy:

All manuscripts are subject to rigorous peer review and editorial assessment before publication. Independent experts of the relevant research areas blindly evaluate scientific validity of the manuscripts for originality, quality of research, reliability of data, level of inventions and innovations, research question, appropriate methodology, data analysis, and significance of the findings to help the editors for taking decisions on the manuscript whether the manuscript will be published in the journal or be rejected. Only high quality manuscripts which have not previously published elsewhere or not under consideration for publication in any journal will be rapidly published after rigorous evaluations of peer review and editorial assessment.
Healthmed Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences follow the rules of double-blind peer-review system in which the names of the authors have been excluded from the manuscripts before sending to the reviewers so that the reviewers cannot see the names and affiliations of the authors to avoid any conflict of interest. Similarly, the authors also cannot see the name and affiliation of the reviewers in the peer review reports for the authors. The peer reviewers and Editors are fully accountable for the decisions made.

Open access Policy:

Immediately after acceptance, all articles are published by Healthmed Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and are freely accessible online by the readers without subscription charges according to the open access policy of this journal. The articles are distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International which allows unrestricted use and distribution.

Rapid publication policy:

Healthmed Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences believes in fast publication policy whilst maintaining rigorous peer review. Article submission and peer review is managed by electronically. If the authors face any difficulties in the submission of their manuscripts, they may send the completed article with all the relevant data and cover letter to the Editorial office by email. The editorial office of is highly active and supportive for the processing of articles. All the submitted articles are checked by expert editorial team for originality (plagiarism) journal compliance, and quality of contents and writing. Submitted manuscript undergoes screening by 2 working days, article is sent to the reviewers by 1 week after submission, peer review report collection by 2 weeks after sending to the reviewers, and accepted manuscript is available online within 24 hours after acceptance. Usually, a good quality manuscript is published within a month after its submission.

Recognition for the contributions of the Editors and Reviewers:

We do believe that the editors and reviewers’ contributions to complete the evaluation of a manuscript is most important. Bearing this in our mind and in order to offer credit/rewards to the contributions of the reviewers and editors, the names of the handling editor and peer reviewers are included in the published article. Besides, we acknowledge the reviewers by sending email so that the reviewers may claim article evaluation credit forwarding the email to the Web of Science or Publons.


Healthmed Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences accepts and publishes manuscripts in English language only.

Authorships and change in authorship:

The listed authors in the submitted article should have significant contributions such as planning and designing of the research/study, conducting study, data collection, data analysis, manuscript writing, manuscript critical review, etc. Only monetary involvement to the project but no intellectual contribution cannot be listed in the authors list. The authors may change in the co-authors list before acceptance of the manuscript. The journal does not allow any change in authorship after acceptance of the manuscript for publication.

Article processing charge/ Publication fee:

Currently, the journal offers a free publication and there is not article processing charge. This means the authors no need to pay any kind of fee for the processing and publication of their articles.


The journal follows the rules of open-access Creative Commons licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International. Upon submission, the authors agreed to follow an open-access Creative Commons license. As per the rule of open-access Creative Commons license, the authors retain the copyright of the article published in Healthmed Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and they are free to reproduce and disseminate their work as per the policy of the journal.